Okie dokie! So today I am going to talk about the obnivore's Dilemna, and History! Let's start with History! So what I learned a lot about is how Cristopher Columbus was not really has gotten to seam like a hero..when he's not! The reason is when he first "discovered" the Bahama's he only wanted gold, and riches. He also took the indians that lived there as slaves for the Queen back in Europe. When he fist set sail he wanted to find Asia. The reason was the queen was paying for his expedition as long as he brought back gold, and riches. He would get 10% percent of what he found, and he was so greedy that when somebody else spotted land he took credit by saying he had seen it before. So that's all for now, but I will write more about it tomorrow. Obnivores Dilemna
Now today I learned that corn is taking over the planet, and is pretty much in everything you eat. The reason is they put these ingrediants in most of all the food you eat... High fructose corn syrup, corn meal, modified starch, corn starch, and many many others. Now the reason there is so much corn is, because farmers get paid tons of money to grow it! The government gives them Fertelizer to grow it, and then they can grow tons of it!!!!! The reason that they get the fertelizer is just so happens that the stuff they made Bombs out of it world war 2 is it has the same stuff that fertilizer has in it. So that's why there is lot's of corn on the planet, and your pretty much a corn chip from all the corn you eat :D