Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School and shopping

Today school started, for Granville schools. Amelia started school this year also, she was super nervous and excited!!!! Also we had pancakes this morning for breakfast! Today I am going shopping with my mom, and doing school work probably. I woke up at 6 so I am wide awake now, but we aren't even leaving until 10:00!!!!! So I will post later, after the day is done =D


Michi said...

Wow... that's early. I got up at 8:30 and wouldn't have because I forced myself to wake up because I was having a bad dream.

Amelia said...

Wow I woke up when my sister yelled wake up!!!!! in my ear

Michi said...

Did she seriously? That's mean! How loud?

Anonymous said...

Y did she do that LOL but not really……I have 2 wake up @ 6 on school days. =(