Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Okk so I realized I should write more because one day in like 30 years I will want this kind of stuff so yeah! So yesterday I found out I had 2 cavities! :( waa and instead of waiting another week ( I wanted to do that) the next day at 11 I had to have that taken care of. So I didn't have this problem untill this morning but I didn't know if you could swallow or not because they fill your mouth up with tons of water and I think they want you to keep your mouth reallllly wide open and it is painful to do that!!!!!! So anyways I started school a is easier then I thought so far. I am doing pre algebra this year so I am actually excited. I am really excited for next tuesday when public school is starting! I am going shopping that day so yayyyyyyy! Also I am going to start swimming, Oh yess, go to Japan, South Carolina, and maybe do dance!!! Also I have a decision to make on wether to do OH YESS, or do a DANCE CLASS! I can not decide! It is so hard because a lot of my friends are quitting oh yess but I would do dance class with Kate. What do you think? PLEASE COMMENT even though I kind of need to think about it. So I will be posting a LOT more in the fall. keep reading! :D


Anonymous said...

I bet u will like South Carolina LOL! I want 2 go there! My mom went there w/ her friend but I didn't get 2 go.................................Well if u would like 2 try something new that would b good! And if u don't like dance class than u can do OH YESS the next year. It also depends on z cost......If some of your friends r quitting OH YESS then that will give u a chance 2 make new friends LOL! Just giving u some pros and cons here!!!!!

Amelia said...

lol ya! But I already did dance class once!

Anonymous said...

well did u like Dance Class?

Amelia said...

ya it was fun