Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I went to piano recital on Friday and ya I was in it. First we went to cosi a science place for kids to learn. The hole time I tried to ignore the fact that I was nervous. When we were done with cosi we went to eat. Then we headed over to the church wear we would play our music. We were a bit early but we went in and we saw Jeff our piano teacher preparing the reception for afterwards. Then we went into the place where the piano was. We found seats then I noticed I was only third for playing my piano song. I was really nervous even though I had rehersed a lot. Then Jeff come up and said his speach before we started. The first person came they played there song real qick and then another beginner played her song. I had been to there rehersal so when it came to my turn I walked on stage and sat down. I didnt want to make one mistake cause then I wouldnt get fifty cence lol. I started playing and remembered to check my hand pasition then when I was done I walked away from the piano and gave a bow. When I sat down I was releaved. I listened to the other songs one after another. It wasnt as hard to get bord because the songs were better then the ones with my old teacher. After all the songs were over we went the reception. They had donuts, candy, punch, and cheesepuffs. It was really fun I cant wait till the next recital I have. I had a great time!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Thanksgiving Tale Of Turkeys

I woke up early one morning with the rest of the turkeys for today was the day weave been dredding for months. It was the day called Thankgiving and I wasn't feeling very Thankfull. All the turkeys met up in there secret club meeting. Me and the other turkeys had to think of a plan. Almost every year it ended up a disaster and half of us go eaton. We all came up with a plan called the turkey protest. We worked all mornng making sighns that read EAT THE CROWS. When we all finally got the guts to leave our hiding place and start the protest we went out into the humans yards. For a whole hour we chanted louder then ever we were saying in our world eat the crows but for them it sounded like gobble gobble. Finally the humans got tired of hearing gobble gobble so they grabbed the us and took us and put them in cages. We heard the door slam and we heard faint voices. We were all nervous and I thought I would cry. Then we heard a voice say how many turkeys do you want. We heard another voice say well I am a opening a knew restraunt called turkey lurkey I guess I might as well take them all. Ok that will be 100 bucks. Ok we heard the voice that sounded like she was singing say. Then we all got louded up into a truck that had a sighn that said TURKEY LURKEY. They took us into a building and as they took us in there was a huge crowd or people saying EAT THE CROWS and FREE THE TURKEYS. The empoyies who worked at the restraunt got mad. They ran at the protesters and accidently dropped us. The protesters dodged the empoyies and came to free us. We all got away just in time. When we got home we all met up at a meeting. We all decided we would celebrate the day of Thanksgiving. We made a huge thanksgiving feast. Instead of eating each other we had tohuman (fake human). Ever since this the turkeys of turkeyville wake up early each thanksgiving and enjoy a great feast with friends.