Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Yesterday we got our Christmas tree. We were in a hurry because my brother and sister had tennis. Normally we ride on their hay ride and pick a tree then cut it down ourselves. We couldn't this time though. We had to look at the trees already cut down and pick. We picked a firm one that was our favorite. Then we got it wrapped and had a hole drilled in where the stand went in. It was still cold and snowy out so we just went in the building where they had the fire and where you could get hot cider and hot cocoa. When we were done wrapping it we put it in the car and drove home. When we got home we took the tree in and got right back in the car to go to lia and Gabe's tennis. When we got to their tennis we dropped them off and went to a nearby Starbucks. We got two cookies and I got a eggnog drink with no mocha. I read my book while mom and dad worked. Then of course I got bored and begged to look at a nearby shop. Soon we had to go pick them up. They were rallying and serving when we got there. Then before I exploded they finished and we headed home. On the way home we stopped at the grocery store and movie store. We got two star wars movies for Lia and Gabe and I got Goosebumps for me. Then we came home and watched movies and had popcorn. We decided to decorate the tree tomorrow and just go to bed. I slept good that night we had a big day.

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