Isabel Traveling around the world trying knew adventures
About Me
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dance Recital
Hello! On Sunday I had my dance recital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so nervous! When I woke up I got dressed, and practiced my dance. When it was about 12:30 we went to get my teacher a gift card for the coffee shop, and went to my dance. The stage, and stuff was at a Highschool about 20 miniutes away, we were supposed to go in at 1:00, but the doors were locked for like half an our so it was a little late. When we did get in we went into the hallway, and stretched...we also went through our dance. Then when it was about to start we went into this place called the green room where we waited, and practiced. Then we finally got to dance:) Everyone forgot to move up!!!!!!!!!!! Other then that it was all good though, there were a LOT more people than I thought, it was kinda scary...BUT REALLY REALLY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After we got to go get bagels, and frozen hot chocolate...:) I might be able to do the next session even YAY! Have a Great Christmas!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hi Everyone! What have you been doing? Today we had a showing for our house, and then my mom had to have a surgery:( While my mom, and my dad went to the dentist, Amelia, and I did school work, and played a REALLY fun game on the wii called Super Mario Bros! Tomorrow is NO school, also we have NO piano, NO dance class...NOTHING at all!!!! Thanksgiving is soon also so....HAPPY THANKSGIVING! On Saturday I think we are celebrating Thanksgiving! Have a great week:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Roman Empire
In Rome a long long time ago there were amazing buildings, that are now mostly in ruins. The Roman empire was very powerful this all came from there big well trained army. If somebody got in the army, it was not easy to get out...they had to be in the army for 25 years!!!!! Sometimes they would walk 20 miles, carrying a back pack that weighed more than 60 pounds! Romans were great at building, and they also made concrete! They mixed water, volcanic ash, broken stones, lime, and sand. Just like now there were poor people, and rick people then, the rich people lived in luxury, with pools, gardens, and court yards. The poor lived in smelly narrow allies, and houses were built with little care. For there entertainment they would go, and watch fights, and chariot racing! The place they would go for this is the Colosseum. Sometimes they would have wild animals fight even. The Roman Empire officially ended when German army commander declared himself king of Italy.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pumpkin Carving Contest!
Today when we woke up we made brownies for the Pumpkin Carving Contest we were going to today. Unfortunately the brownies didn't turn out as good as they were supposed to:( At 3:00 we went to the party, and when we got there we played tag, and ate food. At about 4:00 we started to carve our pumpkins! You had to pick a catagory for your pumpkin funny, scary, or normal. I decided to do a funny pumpkin that ended up taking an hour to carve probably! After everyone finished there pumpkins we played games, and stuff. At 6:00 they judged the pumpkins, and Amelia's pumpkin won a prize. After the party we went to the grocery store, and when we got home we ate spaghetti, and got ready for bed. I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 9, 2009
On Monday My dad, mom, Amelia, and I left to go to Amsterdam. We woke up early not to leave, but I hadn't packed still.
At 12:00 we left the house, and got there about 1:oo we normally would have gotten there at about 12:45, but we spent about 10 minutes waiting for a stop light, it turned out to be broken! When we got to the airport we went through security...I really don't like security, it makes me feel sick. After security we got onto a airplane, and went to Chicago, we had a pretty long wait after this to catch the next flight, about 4 hours, but the time passed quickly. Mom, got first class, and Amelia, Dad, and I all sat in the middle of the plane, I read a lot of the time, and Amelia, and I took turns playing games on a Nintendo. We had pasta for dinner, and when we finally got there we rushed to a van that could take us close to where we were staying. It took us to a nearby hotel about 5-10 minutes away from our street. It was so beautiful, they had canals, with house boats in them, and there were bikes everywhere you looked! When we got to our house we were so tired, well I wasn't really, but I think every one else was. Amelia, and I explored down our street. They had lots of restaurants, and shops. Right away we started walking around, we looked for a famous pancake place, and after about a hour we found it. I got a kids pancake there, it was exactly the size of the regular ones, except it had gummies, and a loli pop on it, and it came with a stuffed animal! Later that day when it was dark we looked in the shop windows, and we found a tooth brush store!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later that night Amelia, and I got hunry again so we went to a nearby diner place, here we got burgers, french fries, and a drink to share. The burgers we really good!!!!!!!!!!! That night we went straight to bed, and we woke up bright, and early the next day. We had free breakfast at the place we were staying at so we went upstairs. They had amazing food! Little donuts, mini pancakes, bread, and Nutella, cheese, fruit, and Orange juice! We started walking a little after this, and sure enough it started raining! I had a rain coat, Amelia shared a umbrella with mom, and dad had a umbrella also, but the water on the rain coat started falling down, on my pants, and by the time we got to the Anne Frank Museum we were walking to my pants were not even a inch dry! We stood in a line for a little while, an d eventually we were in the museum. Inside it showed where Anne Frank hid with 7 other people during world war two. In each room there was a small video, and a page of her journal. Jews couldn't do a lot of things, they couldn't even have bikes, and when they were in public they had to where a yellow star. In her room there were posters hanging that Anne Frank had put up when she had the room. Later that day we started walking to a famous flower market! When we got there there were seeds, flowers, bulbs, and souvenirs! It was so long also there was one building after the other filled with flowers! Amelia, and I got mini wooden shoe key chains! We still hadn't gotten Gabe a souvenir so we went into a shop, and got him a hat that said Amsterdam on it. We also got a umbrella for me:) When we were done with this we walked to the mane square, and went to a cafe. We got a brownie, and drinks, outside the cafe people were taking there pictures with a million birds around them even on there heads! After this we walked back to the apartment, and went to the first store we had liked a lot! Amelia got a paper lantern in the shape of a mushroom, and I got a little rainbow bird that tweets when you move it! Later that night we went to a pizza shop, we ordered a cheese pizza, and a weird pizza I have never seen in my life. As we were eating our pizza we saw a cat running on the street! It came straight into the shop, and came on our laps. When we walked home it started to rain again! That night we slept, and then woke up at 7:10 Amsterdam time, meaning it was like the middle of the night at home. We walked to a train station, and took a train to the airport. At the airport the security was at each gate so we went through security, and waited at the gate. The funny thing was while we were there it was raining, but when we left the sun came out! On the plane ride home I watched night at the museum 2, and Ice Age 3. They were both funny, we are home now, it was a really fun trip!!!! I want to go back again next year:)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Park Day

Yesterday I went to a park day!! Yay. When we got there I met two ten year old girls that were also home schooled, there names are Lena, and Liberty. It was really fun. They had a big mulch pile ( it smelled disgusting) that was really fun to climb on. We also went down the slide there, they had this pole about half way down the slide that was fun to slide down. There was a bunch of vines connected to these trees also, they were so fun to sit on, and hang on. Also our friend Amelia was there ( not my sister Amelia) Amelia showed Amelia how to blow into the top of a acorn, and make a whistle. On our way back we stopped to eat, and when we got back, I...well I don't know, I think that I checked my email and stretched! Today I have school work, and yep thats about it, but my brother also has a regata ( I don't know if thats how you spell it) I don't think Amelia, and I are going, but I will see you later!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
vocabulary! Five knew words
Here are some vocab words!!!!!!!! :)
Convict: A convict is a criminal
Earnest: Serious or Important
Grumble: To complain quietly
Nourish: To care for
Uneasy: To feel worried
Today I made a hat!! We went to the Needling yarn, and we finished our hats! First we had to do knit two together, and then pearl two together, and then we took the stitches off the needle, and we sewed it together. Amelia had done extra rows before, so her hat fit perfectly, Mom, and I had out hats to small!:( After this we went to piano, at piano I did my songs and ended up with 4 pieces of candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good week:)
Convict: A convict is a criminal
Earnest: Serious or Important
Grumble: To complain quietly
Nourish: To care for
Uneasy: To feel worried
Today I made a hat!! We went to the Needling yarn, and we finished our hats! First we had to do knit two together, and then pearl two together, and then we took the stitches off the needle, and we sewed it together. Amelia had done extra rows before, so her hat fit perfectly, Mom, and I had out hats to small!:( After this we went to piano, at piano I did my songs and ended up with 4 pieces of candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good week:)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat summary
My book is about a girl named Emmy who isn't noticed at school, and her parents are always out of town, but one day her classroom pet the rat bites her. After the rat bites her she was for some reason able to talk to the rat. Then one day another boy in the class named Joe was feeding the rat, and was also bit he was so surprised to here the rat talk that Emmy and Joe became friends. Emmy also had a evil nanny Ms. Barmy, Ms. Barmy always made her eat health foods, and she made her do tennis, ballet, piano, cooking, sewing, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, and more! Then one day Emmy heard Ms. Barmy ordering a rat!! When her parents finally got back from there trip they were so nice, but when they got inside Ms. Barmy had made her Grandmas cookies. For some reason when ever Emmy's parents got back from a trip she made them, and then Joe told her the cookies had been poisoned! When Emmy got upstairs she looked in one of the cookies, and inside was a rats foot print. Then Emmy knew what had happened. Ms. Barmy had been giving her parents those so they would want to keep going on trips. Then when her friend Joe got bit again he shrunk to the size of a acorn. Ms. Barmy still does Contradict though. Emmy dictates many things to her two friends to find research about other mysterious animals that can make people run fast, grow hair, get skinnier, and grow her friend Joe back to a real person. Soon the man who owns the rat store issues a edict for Emmy, and Joe to never come back. I haven't finished the book yet, but my prediction is they will unshrink joe, and get rid of Ms. Barmy.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here's more vocabulary!
Yield: To let someone go first
shabby: Worn out
Feeble: Weak tired
Burden: Hard tiring
Employ: To not dismiss
Those are my words, this week so far ( Monday) has been cold I am actually really excited though! I like Fall a ton!!!!!!!!!! I am also going to be starting a home schooled swim team, I am hopefully going to do it with two girls my age, today I started my math course also. Amelia had a Orthodontist appointment. Have a good week!
Bye bye
Friday, September 25, 2009
Vocabulary, and Apple picking
Hi! I worked on more Vocabulary! I am going to put down 5 more words I learned.
1. Neglect, If you neglect something then you ignore it.
2.Romp, If you romp it is sort of like a skip.
3.Haste, Haste means quickly, and with out thinking.
4.Collide, Collide is like bumping into someone.
5.Oppose, If you oppose something you block it.
Those are my vocabulary words. Yesterday we went apple picking! We went to a place where they did not spray the apples with chemicals. When we got there we went in to a small building they had, and picked out a bag. Then we drove to park somewhere, and a dog came along too. We picked Golden Delicious apples, and Liberty apples. The we found Rasberries, earlier in the shelter there was a sign that said Rasberries are welcome to apple pickers! Amelia loved them so much she wouldn't leave, dad did most of the apple picking Amelia, and I just ate rasberries. When we had to leave we got in the car, and drove home. Then Amelia told us she had even more rasberries! Amelia filled a bowl up about half way full with rasberries. It was really fun!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Apple Picking Maybe!!!

Today I did vocabulary! I am going to use 5 new words.
Essential: Essential means important.
Sponsor: Pro tennis players have sponsors that give them knew rackets when they break them.
Consent: Means to agree.
Envy: Means to be jealous.
Vanity: Vanity means to be mean, and stuck up.
Those are the vocabulary words, now heres my blog! Yesterday I went to piano, dance, and my first Knitting class! When we got to the knitting place ( called needling yarn) we all picked out our yarn. Amelia picked out blue, mom picked out green, and I picked out light pink. After this I learned how to cast on ( get the yarn onto the needle so I can start knitting). We are going to make hats so we had to cast on 64 stitches! When we all finished ( mom first then Amelia then me) we started to knit! There is something called pearling ( That might not be how you spell it) pearling is the opposite of knitting pretty much. After the knitting class we went to home, and got ready for piano. At piano I played my music, and ended up getting a lot of candy. ( Our piano teacher passes candy out if you play the song right) When we were done with piano we came home, and we went to my dance class! At dance we learned a knew dance move, it is a lot like jumping. We also have another girl in the class her name is Lyndsey. She is in my grade also. When we got home we had fish tacos, and potatoes. Then we had cantalope ( I don't know if thats how you spell it) and went to bed.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Today Amelia, and I woke up at 8:49 we talked about our dreams, mine went like this! My friend Kate, and I went to the 4th of July fair in Granville, we rode a ride called the screamer that went upside down. After this we went swimming in a swamp! That's all I can remember, not really my favorite dream, I don't like the screamer, and I would not want to go swimming in a swamp really. After this we woke up, and cleaned, I don't really like to clean usually ether. Then we went to drop Amelia, and Gabe off at Cosi to volunteer. When we got back I did the dishes, and got a phone call from my friend Abby, it went like this....
Abby: Hi Isabel, I was wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with us?
Isabel: I might be able to, what time is it at?
Abby: It's at 1:45.
Isabel: I will ask......I am aloud.
Abby: Well..I wanted to know if you wanted to see a movie called 9 or Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs?
Isabel: What ever you want you could ask you sister.
Abby: OK is it okay if we go see 9?
Isabel: Yeah, but is it okay if my mom drops me off at your house, at 12:45?
Abby: Yep, I will see you then, bye!
Isabel: bye!
When I got to Abby's house we fed her Kitten, and then went to the movie. The movie was about a puppet who saved a couple of other puppets. There was also these robots that tried to kill the puppets, at the end there ghosts come. It was scary though! After the movie we went to Claire's, they sell earrings, clothes, necklaces, and lip gloss. I got a pair of earrings! They have turtles, stars, hearts, and more!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wilds Camp
Last Sunday I went to my first sleep away camp. Me and my dad took a bus to the camping place, and then we went to the urt I would be staying at. Kate was also here, and three girls I didn't know. Me, and my dad walked around for a little, and then Kate's dad, and my dad went on the next bus. Me and Kate went down to a little fire circle they had, and the counceler told us all the rules. Later we played name games. In one game you had to say your name, and then think of a animal that started with that letter. I was Isabel Inda China Seeka Deer, Kate was Kate koala. Inda china seeka deers, are critically endangered ( really endangered), and they keep there spots for there whole life. After the name game we ate dinner, there meals were usually good. After dinner my urt went on a hike, we hiked on a trail that led to the Greenland. We also saw a deer hiding in the Greenland. When we were heading back we learned that cattails are edible, we all tried it, and it tasted a lot like cucumber. When we got back to camp we sat by the fire, and made smores and marshmallows! Then we went on a night hike. It was dark, and we weren't allowed bringing flashlights. On the walk if there was something like a log or ditch he would say ditch or log pass it on. We hiked to the Greenland a different way, and on our way we saw the big dipper! The big dipper starts out on the other end of the sky in spring, and then in fall it's on the opposite side. One story was that the dipper was a bear, and the handle stars were hunters. The hunters chased the bear, and in Autumn they caught it. The hunter shot it and got blood on himself. He shook the blood off onto the trees, and thats why people think the trees are red in Autumn. Every year the bear comes back to life, and starts over. That night we went to bed, no one could sleep, but eventually I did. We woke up at 7:30, and got dressed. We went to the fire ring and sat down. Then a car pulled up that brought breakfast. When we had finished eating breakfast, we went to learn about pollination. Butterflies, humming birds, moths, and bees pollinate flowers. One thing was that everything is connected. If, because clean air went away hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and moths would die. If they died, the flowers couldn't be pollinated, and they would die. After this class we went on a waterfall hike. We hiked to a small waterfall, that was just big enough to walk around in. We stayed here for a few minutes, but not that long. When we got back, our yurt counselor ( Tiffany) took us on another hike, this time she told us to bring out journals. She assigned us all places to sit down away from each other , and told us to write a poem, write, or make a picture of whats around us. The day After this we took a pollinating class. In this one we wanted to see if blue or yellow cups would etract more bugs, we all put a blue cup and a yellow cup under a plant, and filled it with dish washing detergent and water. Next we went to a gardening plot, we all were assigned places to sit once again, and were told to write or draw about what we saw. I saw butterflies called whit cabbage butterflies, bumble bees, sweat bees, and a lot of flowers. When we got back to camp we went to check on the cups. There were a lot more bugs in the yellow cup than the blue cup. The next day we went to learn about Bob Cats, we learned that Bob Cats are a little bigger than house cats. Also they used to be endangered, they live in the forest or mountains, and have short stubby tails. They were doing research on them, and to atract them they used the smell of Catnip and Beaver. After this we took a hike down to a waterfall, the waterfall was really small, so we all just waded in the water. Shortly after the hike we had lunch, then we played tag. We played tag for a really long time, and the they gave us the choice to go on another night hike or eat smores. Me, and Kate decided to do the night hike. We hiked up the road, and tried calling owls again. This time we thought we heard a response. As we walked back we all got a crayon and a piece of paper, and tried to guess what color our crayon was. The next morning we went to a different place to eat breakfast, we had to ride a bus to get there. We had eggs, sausage, tatar tots, and orange juice. WHen we got back to camp we did a survival class. You can survive for three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air. We got to build shelters also. We set up beetle traps after, we used chicken for bait. Then we got on the bus, and went to the carnivour section of the wilds, here they had Cheetas, African Wild Dogs, small fox like animals. Cheetas can run up to 60-70 miles an hour for a short amount of time. The african wild dogs, and fox things would care for a injured animal in the pack. The African wild dogs were really cute, they had patches of different colors on them. We also went swimming, a couple of people went boating, me and Kate decided to swim though. That night we slept with the rhinos. We played games, and we had brownies! The next day we had a tour of all the animals. Here are some animals we saw, and facts about them.
Persian Donkey The persian donkey eats grass, it has a very long face so that it can reach the grass, even though they look very nice, they can be agressive, they look almost exactly like a regular donkey.
Greater one horn rhino The greater one horn rhino has triangle shaped lip that grips grass, and one horn on its four head.
Giraffe The girafe is very tall, they have long necks so they can reach food, and so they can fight. They have purple tounges that help them not get blistered.
Shivulskies wild horses These horses are wild, to tell that you can look at there back, and see if they have a black stripe. They are also related to the Zebra, they sound like a horse, and they used to be extinct from the wild.
Indo China Seeka Deer The Inda China Seeka Deer keeps it's spots for it's whole life, and is critacly endangered.
The next day we went to the gift shop, I got a giraffe stuffed animal, and trading cards. Also my mom, dad, and Gabe picked me up, before they left we did a skit, our skit was about the tour we did, I acted out a animals in the skit, and a tree. We also all got rewards my reward was traveling reward, and My flower was Birds Foot Tri foil.
Bye! good bye wilds!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
For many years gold has been very scarce, but still people kill, fight, and risk there lives for it. Scientists think there may be 70 million tons of it underwater, but have to find a way to get it. A long time ago when an egyptian king ( king tutankhamen ) died they put a mask made of gold over is face! Gold is also the worlds most maleable metal, meaning it's very soft so it's often mixed with other metals to make it strong. If it is combined with other metals it will last a really long time, gold doesn't rust or turn black, or brown over the years eather. Gold can also be found in veins in rocks, when found in these, the gold is usually mixed with other metals such as silver or copper. There was also the gold rush when news about a discovery of a gold mine in California. People traveled all around just to search for gold, and hoped to become millionaires. All somone needs to find gold is a pan, water, luck, and a ton of patience! Most of the worlds gold comes from underground in large viens.Can you even imagine starting your work by riding a elevator that takes you deep under ground where it is 100 degrees fahrenheit! Then you pick up your tools, and dig for gold ALL day! Plus don't forget your helmet, cause if your light runs out you might not be able to find you way back up. Well bye!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Regular Day at Isabel's House
This is a project I have to do, and I have to include 5 new Vocabulary words that I will put in bold.
1. Wake up, and take a lukewarm bath or shower.
2. Trudge to the computer to start school work.
3.Eat a Plentiful breakfast.
4.Be Gallant, and hold the door!
5.Give Gabe a Smoldering look.
The meanings
Lukewarm means not hot, but not cold.
Trudge means to drag your feet.
Plentiful means more then enough.
Gallant means brave or nice.
Smolder means smoke but not on fire or mad, but not
1. Wake up, and take a lukewarm bath or shower.
2. Trudge to the computer to start school work.
3.Eat a Plentiful breakfast.
4.Be Gallant, and hold the door!
5.Give Gabe a Smoldering look.
The meanings
Lukewarm means not hot, but not cold.
Trudge means to drag your feet.
Plentiful means more then enough.
Gallant means brave or nice.
Smolder means smoke but not on fire or mad, but not
Saturday, April 25, 2009

( some how this post got deleted so thats why it's really late )
When we went zorbing at first we were just driving, then we saw a big zorb rolling down the hill and decided to check it out. We watched a few people and then we decided that it would be fun to zorb now. So me and Amelia decided we wanted to zorb together with water in the zorb. We checked in and then changed our outfits because we didn't want to get wet in them. AFter we got out wrist bands we hopped on to the back of a truck that took us up the hill to the zorbs. When we were at the top there was a short line and a giant pool of water. We watched other people go down a really windy path, and decided we didn't want to do that path, because it was to windy. When it was finally our turn they filled our zorb with water. There was a small hole in the zorb that he told us to dive through head first. When I was in I noticed the water was warm like HOT TUB WATER! When Amelia was in the zipped up the little hole and boom, bam, we were rolling down the hill. It started out nice until all of a sudden I summersaulted forward and my back was facing the whey we came from! Amelia was scared at the sudden jolt and started screaming I'M GONNA DIE AH I'M GONNA DIE. Right as she said this a guy opened the hole up, and took our picture inside the zorb. He told us to slide out feet first, and took our picture again when we were both out of the zorb. Soon we were on our way to the hotel. That was awsome!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pancake Rock Glaciers and swinging bridge also seals
A few days ago I woke up kinda early and cold. I heard Amelia and Gabe talking, so I asked them if they were cold too. Amelia said it was freezing got her sweat shirt on and asked dad why is it soo cold! Dads reply was.....GO PACK....NOW! Amelia went into her room and packed while I went into dads room and asked WHY IS IT SO SO SO SO SO COLD! This time his reply was I forgot to turn the heater on hight and I didn't make a fire last night. OH OK! waaaa! Mom suggested we hit the rode soon because we had to drive for six hours and went and took her shower. Me and Gabe packed while mom was in the shower and ate breakfast, when mom got out of the shower she was cold, this made her angry and made her REALLY REALLY WANT TO GO......NOW! All of us were in a bad mood EXCEPT ME YAY! So I went and waited in the car untill everyone else joined me. Dad started driving and before long you heard this: BELLE MOVE YOUR FEET YOUR TAKING UP TO MUCH ROOM! MOM TELL BELLE TO MOVE HER FEET! Gabe my feet are two feet away from yours and yet your still complaining! Dad: your ruining the beuty around you all look out the window! I read my book for a while untill we stopped at a cafe and got hot cocoa! Then we got back on the curvy rode~.
Soon we got to a parking lot yay I everyone got out of the car while I tied my shoes then we all went inside and saw a huge swinging bridge! Dad sighned us up to walk across the bridge do a 15 minute hike then do a zip line! We walked across the swinging bridge that was at least 100 feet in the air I walked ahead of my dad though so he wouldn't swing it when I was there. Looking straight down was also so so creepy because it would look like you were anout to fall. When we got to the other side of the bridge we went on the short hike that took us by the river that was under the bridge.
Here there was a tower we climbed into and then we got strapped in first amelia went then me and Gabe went together. Gabe taped all the way down and took pictures of Amelia while mom took pictures of all of us. The man there strapped us in and then said ready 5,4,3,2,1, blast off and then let us go. I was kinda scared so I only waved 1 time for the camera other then that me hands were on the hand ropes. When we were all done we hopped back in the car and drove to pancake rock! When we got to Pancake Rock we got out of the car, used the restroom, and then started the short path that said Blowholes and Pancake Rocks. A short way through we found at the second look out there were rocks. At first we didn't see the Pancake rock, but then we noticed some rocks looked like stacked up pancakes. The rocks got like that over years and years and years and years and years
. Also I can't really explain the blow hole, beacause I was too short to see it! Well I heard it at least. After this we went to the place where we were staying and met the lady. The place was New River Blue Gums I think they calles it that cause the river beside there house was the new river. We got pizza that night too then went to bed.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday market, jester, tennis, and playground!
Today we woke up bright and early to go to the Sunday market! We got dressed I did the dishes, we took showers, and ate breakfast. After this we all hopped in the car and mom said this: OK you all get 20 bucks: It wasn't EXACTLY like this, but close, OK? When we arrived at the market mom and dad said we can go off on our own and get anything in our money limit. Me and Amelia walked in circles and we ended up finding 6 bracelets, 1 pair of earrings, and two necklaces. I gave my necklace to mom, and Amelia gave some earrings to her. After this we just walked around with mom, dad, and Gabe. We got kiwi's, licorice, meat, cheese, rasberries, and this other fruit I very much dislike. After this we started to walk back to the car, on the way we decided to see if we could buy tennis balls we walked until we came to the first sports shop, but they we closed. When we were back in the car I started reading my book while my dad went into another sport shop to get tennis balls. On our way home we stopped at the jesters place, in here they had trained eels and a life size chess board. We ordered food when we got here, then went to feed the eels. The eels would move up on the rocks for food. It was really fun. There were a bunch of big snakes and a few small ones. After this we went to eat. Amelia and I got garlic bread with cheese and mom, dad, and Gabe got burgers. When Gabe and Amelia finished eating they went to play chess. When they were done we went home. That was our day.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wellington Museum
When we first woke up we went to Subway, me and Amelia got French Toast and Gabe got a breakfast sub. After this we went to the Welly Wellington museum ( welly is not a word I made it up! :) ! It was still early when we got there so at first we just walked around the souvenir shop. Amelia got a few things like shiny shells, candy, and earrings! After this we waited outside until it opened. The first exhibit we went to was the force exhibit. Here we got to ride a simulator that made you feel like you were in a earth quake. Also we saw the worlds largest DEAD SQUID! ( ewwww gross ) although it was pretty cool!: AND GUESS WHAT IT WAS A GIRL OH YA! ( JUST KIDDING)! After this we also went outside to look at different kinds of rocks, one of them was similar to Greenstone. When we were done here we also went to ride a ride like thing too! On this they could make you feel like you were motorcycling, swinging on a vine, skateboarding, playing rugby, swimming with dolphins, and bungee jumping! We also saw a exhibit that told about New Zealand. That was our day well bye bye!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hiking and the Beach
When we first arrived in New Zealand we called a car driver to pick us up. When we got to where he worked we picked up our car and drove to our house. We were all tired so we played shoots and Ladders. After this we went to bed thinking we would wake up at like 10:00. Then guess what when I woke up I wasn't tired anymore but the time was.....4:30 am. After I am awake I can't fall asleep. So I sat in bet till 6 o clock. When I woke up we ate breakfast and then decided to go on a adventure outside. When we got outside we walked over our yard until we decided to go some where else. We went down the street and found a small path that would be good to walk on and walked a little ways. It was very green and it had a lot of bridges and streams to walk over. When we got back to our place where we were staying we all decided to walk down town. When we got there we went to a small coffee shop and ate. After this we walked back and told dad about the trail we had found that led to the beach. He liked the sound of it and decided we should walk to the beach. We all got food and stuff and walked down the winding trail untill we got to the beach. At the beach it was beautiful it had a park ducks and a ton of shells. All the ducks loved Gabe and they and the minute he took his sandwich he came to him lol! Me and Amelia kept on getting shells and we played on this big swing made out of straw. When we went home it was getting dark so we all went to bed! our first day in New Zealand!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today we went to a science home schooling thing in Columbus. When we got there the guy talked about the trees we would see like oak, and pine. Then we got into groups and went to measure tree's. To measure them first we took out a long tape measure and stepped 10 meters away from the tree we also measured how long it was around the tree which we used a regular tape measure. We wrote down all the information on a piece of paper including the weather. After this both of the groups met up and we went to a lab to make sure the measurements were accurate. In the lab there were also cockroaches or should I say ( squealing )!
When you touched one they made a squeezing sound! In the lab we put on the measurements and they were..........ACCURATE YAY! When we finished this we went back to the car and drove home. When we got here I went to my friend Kate's. Me and Kate played and went to a baseball game. When I came home I bounced on the trampoline and then called it a day
When you touched one they made a squeezing sound! In the lab we put on the measurements and they were..........ACCURATE YAY! When we finished this we went back to the car and drove home. When we got here I went to my friend Kate's. Me and Kate played and went to a baseball game. When I came home I bounced on the trampoline and then called it a day
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Airplanes Cake Trampoline And.......SLEEP
Yesterday and the day before we celabrated Gabes 14th B day. On Monday we went to a Air Force museum with Amelia, Gabe, Dad, Me, and Gabes friend Peter. We woke up at like 8:30 and went to pick up Gabe's friend Peter. Then we started driving twords the museum on the way we stopped at a Mc. Cafe and ate. Then when we arrived we went to go get our rist bands for a tour we would take later on that day. As we waited for the time to go to the meeting spot for the tour we looked at the older airplanes. There were prepeller air plains and outfits they used to wear in the air force. One of the exzibits was a crashed airplane with a guy scolding the pilot. When we were done with this we went on the tour we rode a big YELLOW school bus to the tour part then we got off and looked at some of the planes. We got to see a air plane that John Kennedy flew in I think! Then we went back to the museum there we got hot dogs for I don't know dinner lunch! After we ate we looked at a few more airplanes and then went to watch a movie about the airforce. It was pretty boring so i'm not gonna ggo on and on about it. It just showed airforce pilots training. After the movie we were gonna see the wright brothers memorial but it turned out to be a golfing thing. We got milk shakes on the way back at arby's too. Then when we got to giant eagle we got stuff for a SLEEP OVER. This was Gabes sleepover by the way. lol I will blog about that NEXT time!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Maple syrup
Today we went to Dawes Arboretum for a home schooling maple syrup tour. When we got there we started the tour by walking through the big parking lot and then we went to our first stop. When the pioneers made maple syrup they would put a large hole in the tree and scoop the sap out with a ladle. They soon noticed that this caused the trees great damage and some died in one year! Also when they would cook it they would wait for the maple syrup to turn to sugar. Also we learned about a bird none as the woodpecker. The wood pecker used to peck at each tree and go around a few times and by the time it came back to the first tree sap was dripping wich had attracted bugs that the bird ate! There were also a few other stops before we got to a big wooden cabin inside there was maple syrup over a stove heating also a fire of course lol. While we were in here we even got to sample some of the syrup! yay! After the lof cabin we went back to the welcome center to the discovery center down stairs. There was two snakes some bees and a bird watching place. We saw a bunch of birds and the lady who did the tour let us touch the snake! After this we talked a bit and then we went back home to get ready for agility. At agility we did drills (one is called the super man what you do is you lay on the ground and put your feet and arms in the air for as long as you can!) and I fell in a giant tire that I was suposed to push over and wait for it to come down till I jumped in it I went to early BOOM it hurt lol! Well thats what I did today see ya!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Trees need Medicine to cure them too wow?!_ants
Plants can feel stress get colds and more! There are to kinds of aspirin for them to take. They aparently have slaicylic (the ingredient that makes aspirin work on a fever). It all siculates through the tree and then out through the leaves. It also helps nearby trees clear out there own immune system. Scientists think this may lead to a way to help farmers see if there plants are doing good.
Ants There is a beast ( kinda) that lurks in the amozon rainforest this beast is a....ant. They think this a is a very special ant though because it was from when the dinosaurs were alive. This ant has very sharp jaws too! Most ants develop over the years but this one didnt it doesnt even have any compitition. Well beats me. I dont like ants ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Ants There is a beast ( kinda) that lurks in the amozon rainforest this beast is a....ant. They think this a is a very special ant though because it was from when the dinosaurs were alive. This ant has very sharp jaws too! Most ants develop over the years but this one didnt it doesnt even have any compitition. Well beats me. I dont like ants ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Space a waste naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
Space is a very different place to live in. You have to drink out of straws no matter what and your milk and cereal goes flying! I know your thinking how do they live up there but after i read this article I understood a bit more. Although it can be a ton of fun since you can flip without even trying its a bit harder than that. You have to constantly workout for two hours every day to stay in shape! After youv'e been in space for a while when you come back to earth its hard to walk because of gravity. Also in space gravity pulls your blood down towards your legs so you throwup a lot! When you use the restroom on the moon you even have to strap yourself in thats crazy!!!!!!!! Space is a very tricky and easy place to be you can do anything with no effort but you can't get lazy or when you get back you will be weak and your bones will be spongy! Space is a great place to be ( I think) you just can't get lazy about not having to do very much stuff. GO SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BAM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Shining Nights and Armer
Knights used to start there training at age Seven. Their parents would have to be rich because they would have to afford all the armor swords shields and more. There training started when they were sent to a castle of a great lord. ( usually a relitave) The knights would start by learning how to dance, sing, play chess, and good manners. After this skill was learned they would go on to learn wrestling and playing games like tag wich could build up their streingth. Along with this he would learn how to hold a sword and shield. Then he would follow the master into a war and care for his wounds. When he would get back he would serve him almost like a servent! There would be a special ceramony on there last day of training wich usually lasted for about 6 to 7 years. On the night of the ceramony the soon to be a knight would bath put on knew clothes and pray in a church alone with his weapons near by. The next day he would get knew weapons and his trainer would tap the flat side of the sword on his neck. A good set of armor would last for almost there whole life.
The End p.s. I dont want to be a knight!
The End p.s. I dont want to be a knight!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sewer eeeeewer
Have you ever thought about where waste goes? It travels through small sturdy pipes untill it gets to a Treatment Plant. If you were to work at a treatmentplant here is what you would have to wear Thigh high wading boots, hard helmet, over sized gloves, and a emergency breathing apparetis with aa back up battery! There is actually a desiece called sewer workers disiece. This is caused by Rat urine, rabies, and even tyfoid wich can lead to death!
In the magazine this is what the auther said. A guy went up to her and told her to sign a paper without telling her what it was and then the man with no smile said......dont worry it just means if you collapse I get your money! Well how rude I might be thinking lol! Also she said that some suwers havn't been visited in 15 years!
So now you know what is below those pipes waste water, vomit, toilet paper, cigrettes, and more. I dont want to work at the sewer when im older lol!
In the magazine this is what the auther said. A guy went up to her and told her to sign a paper without telling her what it was and then the man with no smile said......dont worry it just means if you collapse I get your money! Well how rude I might be thinking lol! Also she said that some suwers havn't been visited in 15 years!
So now you know what is below those pipes waste water, vomit, toilet paper, cigrettes, and more. I dont want to work at the sewer when im older lol!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sorry I havn't been posting.
Yesterday we woke up early at 4:30 we had to catch a early flight at the airport. After we got dressed up fancy enough to get on the plane we set off on the icy rodes to the airport. When we got to the airport straight away we got out of the van and to the little bench where we waited for the bus to come. When a bus came we climbed aboard and the minute we got on dad started talking to another piot ofcourse about how we were going to Chicago to get his French visa. After we got off the bus we went across the small but, buisy street and into the warm airport. We got in line to get our security tickets and then we went through the wide buisy hall to security. We unloaded all of our stuff on to the moving rubber that went through the scanner then we went through the metal detector. When we got through we grabbed our stuff quickly stuffed it on and ran to our gate that already wa boarding! When we got to our gate we handed the gate agent our tickets and boarded the plane. When we got on we sat in our seats buckling and reading sky mall untill we took off. When we were in the air I leaned against my shoulder and tried to make up for the sleep I had missed for the whole hour and ten minutes. Finally when we got off we went Mc Donalds and got breakfast then went to a random gate and ate. When we were done eating we went through this glowy hallway with all differnt colors untill we got to the subway. When we got on we rode for like ten stops till we finally got off. When we got off we walked through the cold, icy, nippy town. When we got to a star bucks we sat down and got cinnimon apple drinks! We sat there for like a hour untill we took on the challenge to walk through scortching deserts and climb to the highest room in the tallest tower ok im kidding but we did have to walk across the street and into this giant sky scraper. When we got inside we went to the information desk and got directions to where dad would get his visa When we went up like fifty billion floors we got off and went to get dads visa. It was a short talk and then we were done totally done yep all that way for that talk but we wernt done we still had to go to the Field museum. When we got there we walked in and saw a giant dinasour and guess what it had a fake head because the real one was to heavy! Then we went to the first exzibit. It was a egiption one it had mummies and boats and all different kinds of things. Here are five interesting facts I learned.
1. Some dinisours heads are to heavy to fit on the rest of the body.
2. A hiena is more closely related to a cat then a dog.
3. A fuzzy gorilla like thing is our ansister.
4. Mummies get wrapped in layers and layers of stuff.
5. Blocks that they built prramids with can weigh six thousand pounds!
When we were done with the museum we came home on the subway and then on the plane we were very tired out from that big day. What a big adventure!
Yesterday we woke up early at 4:30 we had to catch a early flight at the airport. After we got dressed up fancy enough to get on the plane we set off on the icy rodes to the airport. When we got to the airport straight away we got out of the van and to the little bench where we waited for the bus to come. When a bus came we climbed aboard and the minute we got on dad started talking to another piot ofcourse about how we were going to Chicago to get his French visa. After we got off the bus we went across the small but, buisy street and into the warm airport. We got in line to get our security tickets and then we went through the wide buisy hall to security. We unloaded all of our stuff on to the moving rubber that went through the scanner then we went through the metal detector. When we got through we grabbed our stuff quickly stuffed it on and ran to our gate that already wa boarding! When we got to our gate we handed the gate agent our tickets and boarded the plane. When we got on we sat in our seats buckling and reading sky mall untill we took off. When we were in the air I leaned against my shoulder and tried to make up for the sleep I had missed for the whole hour and ten minutes. Finally when we got off we went Mc Donalds and got breakfast then went to a random gate and ate. When we were done eating we went through this glowy hallway with all differnt colors untill we got to the subway. When we got on we rode for like ten stops till we finally got off. When we got off we walked through the cold, icy, nippy town. When we got to a star bucks we sat down and got cinnimon apple drinks! We sat there for like a hour untill we took on the challenge to walk through scortching deserts and climb to the highest room in the tallest tower ok im kidding but we did have to walk across the street and into this giant sky scraper. When we got inside we went to the information desk and got directions to where dad would get his visa When we went up like fifty billion floors we got off and went to get dads visa. It was a short talk and then we were done totally done yep all that way for that talk but we wernt done we still had to go to the Field museum. When we got there we walked in and saw a giant dinasour and guess what it had a fake head because the real one was to heavy! Then we went to the first exzibit. It was a egiption one it had mummies and boats and all different kinds of things. Here are five interesting facts I learned.
1. Some dinisours heads are to heavy to fit on the rest of the body.
2. A hiena is more closely related to a cat then a dog.
3. A fuzzy gorilla like thing is our ansister.
4. Mummies get wrapped in layers and layers of stuff.
5. Blocks that they built prramids with can weigh six thousand pounds!
When we were done with the museum we came home on the subway and then on the plane we were very tired out from that big day. What a big adventure!
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